Tuesday 20 September 2011

Reflections on the the fundraising stretch...

   With approximately 3 weeks left until I leave for Namibia with my GX team, some last minute nerves and concerns set in. How do i pack for two completely different climates in one case? And, am i going to miss home too much over the 6 months programme? But then i remind myself of why i applied for Global xchange. Its going to give me the chance to experience working with a charity concerned about international development and poverty. Ultimately, I'm hoping that i will be able to help people and potentially contribute towards improving lives.
  Although i haven't yet set off on the placement, i feel as though the journey has already long begun. Aside from my assessment day back in February early this year, and my August training weekend where i met lots of other excited volunteers, my fundraising has been well underway for a couple of months now. I didn't have a required fundraising target, however i wanted to try and see how much i could raise anyway. The only fundraising i had taken part in prior to this was a talent show organised by my 6th form tutor group years ago. This had involved me jumping around the stage with a hairbrush for a microphone, and dressed in union jack socks and an orange wig as Geri Halliwell for a spice girls performance. Not my finest moment in life! But between all our embarrassing performance efforts we did raise a fair amount for children in Need!
   So i figured a good start would be to set up a justgiving site where i set a personal fundraising target of £1000. I thought it was best to aim high, although i didn't imagine to get past £70! so I felt quite daunted once id set that target, particularly when u see 'Eden has reached 0%'- Time to start brainstorming some fundraising ideas i thought!

1. I deliberated with my best friend and we decided that together we could climb Snowdon in the North Wales and ask for sponsorship. I then added this to my just giving page so people knew what my fundraising efforts were.

2. Spread the word- I regularly posted my Justgiving site to my facebook profile stating my Snowdon climb and making people aware of the charity

3. I posted letters and sent emails to friends and family explaining the efforts of the charity, the GX programme, what i would be doing etc

4. I called my local council and had them send me forms to apply for a street permit to hold a collection in town. I managed to raise £82.21 with just two buckets on the high street. Tube stations are also great, but for London tube stations you need to apply just over a month in advance, and you also need to get them to send you the application form to fill out!

5. I walked into all my local supermarkets and found out the name of who to write to about holding a collection, and then sent out Global xchange headed letters asking permission and explaining the cause (I had to follow up with phone calls, but found they book up far in advance. I didn't get in early enough before my programme, but they have offered to help upon my return )

6. I took a couple of VSO cardboard collection boxed and asked to display them in cafes, staff rooms or pubs. (Many shops wont take collection boxes and you have to go through head office if they are a chain). In one box i received £20 in donations.

7. I used the Internet to locate local schools and wrote to their headmasters about the charity and whether they would hold a 'non uniform' mufti day. (I had to follow up with phone calls again, and it can be very frustrating getting through the front line of receptionists and PA's- Unfortunately this was unsuccessful for me, but it can be done if you persist!

8. I called the local Reverend and asked if i could meet with him and discuss the charity I'm supporting and give him some of the VSO cardboard collection boxes. When we met, I asked about different events going on at the church and then asked if i could have a table in the hall at their family service to do a bake sale for VSO.

   So far with everyones support i have raised £762. Most of this has been raised through sponsorship for my climb, collection boxes, the street collection and donations from spreading the word about VSO. Fundraising has been a massive learning curve! You have to be ready for alot of 'No's' but if you keep at it, you'll be surprised. Donations come out of the most unexpected places. It is really heart warming when you receive sponsorship for personal challenges, and when people recognise the good work of VSO and want to support their efforts.Its an incredibly positive experience because it also encourages you to get out there in your local community, start talking to people about what you are doing, making you an active citizen. You grow in confidence about what you are supporting and it helps put the rest of your journey with global xchange into perspective.So, to future GX volunteers- it can be done! And its most definitely something to be proud of! Well as long as you don't accidentally poison anyone at your bake sale!...Mine is this weekend, so i shall have to let you know in an upcoming post! Lets get baking!