Sunday 25 September 2011

St Andrews Church Cake Sale for VSO

GX-er's out in force
     After two eventful baking days, we were armed with Victoria sponge, madeira, chocolate biscuit cake, iced gem, chocolate walnut, sprinkle and butterfly cupcakes, scones and almond shortbread... off to the Sunday family church service we go!
    Once we had set up our table in the church hall with the help of my dad and my little niece Jemima we went through to the Church and attended the morning service. Reverend Brian Reed introduced Jemima and i to the rest of the church and told them about my Global xchange Namibia/Newcastle programme and how we will be selling cakes after the service to raise funds for voluntary Services Overseas. Everyone was incredibly welcoming.
Preparing the table
     During the service, we sang hymns, talked about harvest and being grateful for all the food that God has provided. Reverend Brian asked everyone their favourite food; mine being a good Thai green Curry (of course) and Jemima's being 'meat' in general! It was at this point that a few prayers were read; one which rings in my head was a prayer for all the people in Africa at the moment 
without food which was very touching. 

" We dare not ask you bless our harvest feast
Till it is spread for poorest and for least,
We dare not bring our harvest gifts to you
Unless our hungry brothers share them too.

Not only at ti time, Lord;everyday
Those whom you love are dying while we pray.
Teach us to do with less, and so to share
From our abundance more than we can spare."


     After the service it was time for Jemima and I to get serving! The scones, the Victoria sponge and Chocolate biscuit cake were definatly sure winners of the morning. Everyone was very generous donating their change to VSO. With everyone's help at St Andrews church we managed to raise £53.00 for the charity in the space of half an hour, which was amazing.

     A massive thankyou to my niece Jemima, my sister Lorraine and my mum for helping bake the cakes for the church and to Reverend Brian Reed and everyone at St Andrews church, Barming. This means we have now reached a fundraising total of £815 for VSO! Jemima you were a star on the cake sale! My little helper :D

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